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Saturday, October 2, 2010

KCR & Co eyeing on HCA!

KCR group of companies expanding their wings to many industries and sectors, after foray into entertainment and media, now it is time for sports sector. KCR daughter Kavita and TRSLP leader Eetela Rajendar are involved in lobbying for posts in Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA). She says, if they come in power in HCA they will start cricket clubs in every mandal and hence boost to the sports in Telangana. KCR family even met BCCI board members for lobbying.  They are taking help of congress for entry into HCA with help of congress as part of compensation package to KCR. However, there are some congress MPs VH, G Vivek for control of HCA, this time Kavita may take helping hand from Lagadapati Rajagopal. TRS is not even dared to contest GHMC elections, how it can compete in HCA elections.

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