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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Internal fight to non cooperation movement!

KCR voice has been changing since last 10 days, being declared internal violence after Dec 31 now he is proposing non cooperation movement in the Telangana region for sake of Telangana in the lines of Gandhi. He once again in fooling Telangana people and in fact he don’t want Telangana. If any kind violence happens in the Hyderabad, immediately Hyderabad declared as union territory and KCR will be sent to Andaman jail or sent out of Hyderabad. Even with non cooperation movement nothing will happens, it won’t work out in Hyderabad as it is dominated by Non – Telanganites and even Telangana people in Hyderabad won’t respond to these kind of nuisance. In the other districts of Telangana, Government will stop salaries, payments, developments etc unless people cooperate with Government by paying taxes. However, there are little chances for implementing non cooperation movement as public is suffering with their own problems and they know separate state is not a sole solution for all their problems. Practically it is impossible for TRS for implementing. Moreover, tax revenues from other Telangana districts are very low, these are not even sufficient for paying government salaries and necessary services. The two months of non cooperation movement will have more impact and practical than the Sri Krishna committee report.

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